After losing a weeks worth of sleep stressing over every little detail of parent-teacher conference, the conferences came and went with no problem. Such a weight off my chest to finally get to meet and communicate with parents and to hear them say they think I am doing a good job. Being a brand new teacher my biggest fear was mis-speaking or saying something that was taken the wrong way by a parent, having parents walk out of my room smiling made me feel like I might actually be doing okay at the whole communication with parent thing.
I had many parents express that they were very worried with their child having a brand new teacher, especially one that was hired the first day of school. However, they expressed to me that their children love me and that they haven't seen anything in my teaching that concerns them! They have no idea the weight that those words have lifted off my shoulders. I know I am a decent teacher, but hearing that they believe in me and that their children believe in me shows me I am on my way to being the best teacher I can be!
The two best moments of the day had to be when my Superintendent called me in to his office after I had completed a phone conference with a parent to tell me how wonderfully I had handled the conversation. Second, was when I handed a parent their child's grade card and they just lit up and asked me are these his real grades? I told her yes they are and she told me that he had never had grades this good in any other grade. I thought maybe just maybe I am actually reaching some of the students more than I think I am.
Maybe losing a weeks worth of sleep was worth it, because walking out of the meetings Thursday I was able to breath a sigh of relief. I am not an expert in the filed of communicating with parents, but I feel that I did a pretty good job with my first conference.
Miss. B
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