At our school we have two parent-teacher conferences. While it is a hassle to get times set up and fit every parent in when they are able to meet, I really enjoyed having another conference, My first go round of parent-teacher conference was a blur, being it was my first ever I was worried about saying something wrong! I didn't want to do something wrong so it was a really scary and nerve wracking experience for me.
This time however I felt more relaxed, I know the parents in my room better now so meeting with them was neither scary nor nerve wracking. If anything I was looking forward to speaking with all of them and telling them about all the improvements I was seeing in their children since our last meeting. Getting to sit down and talk one-on-one with the parents allows me to express the positives and concerns I am seeing. While also allowing them to tell me about concerns they are having.
I try to call all my parents throughout the quarter and keep them updated on how their student is doing. I want to do this so when conferences come around or report cards go out it is not a shock to them! I want the parents in my room to know what is going on in my room as much as possible!
Parent-teacher conference can be a nervous experience especially when you may have to talk about negative things you are seeing in the classroom. However, I look forward to the experience, I love bragging on students and sharing all the amazing things their child has accomplished over the year!
Conferences are over for this year, but I am glad that I got to experience my first year of conferences with the wonderful group of parents I have. They having made this year so much easier on me by being supportive of what I am doing and also being understanding if I try something that doesn't work. They understand I am new and things won't always run smooth, but that I am trying! They have no idea how much their support and kind words at the conferences have meant to me and my confidence in the classroom!
Until next time,
Miss. B
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